Surface Geology
We offer geological services in regard to seismic lines, geological mapping, lifting of stratigraphical columns and lithological sampling of representative formations.
We offer Iand gravimetry studies of acquisition, processing, interpretation and data modeling.
2D and 3D seismic data processing PetroSeis our partner company, is a Colombian company providing services of 2D and 3D seismic processing for different oil companies on the world market.
PetroSeis, has a highly qualified team of professionals with over 20 years of experience and knowledge in areas with highly complex geological formations, allowing us to work in any geological scenario and provide information required by our customer or foresee the information that we are going to find.
Preparation of environmental management plans (P.M.A.) environmental management measures (M.M.A.)
Management plans and environmental measures are tools that allow the oil and seismic companies to plan appropriately prior to entering zones of influence, to generate positive impacts and strengthen relations between the government institutions, oil companies, communities, and their environment.
Determination of the Physical and Biological conditions of interest area.
• Identify the Social and cultural conditions of the communities in the area of influence.
• Environmental zoning.
• Assessment of environmental impacts that may be generated during the seismic activities.
• Zoning for the control of Seismic activity according with environmental requirements and the degree of vulnerability.
• Analysis of social and political risks.
• Preparation of the environmental management plan to prevent, control or repair any environmental impact of the project.
• Develop a plan for the monitoring and follow-up of the natural resources affected by the project.
• Development of contingency plans to mitigate natural risks to the project.
• Continual presentation of progress report to government entities.
Our Sevices
Advising required consultations prior to commencing project.
Consultation processes should begin prior entering any indigenous or special territories. PETROSEISMIC SERVICES has highly experience personnel able to advice oil companies in the required procedures for entering indigenous territories and complying with national and international regulations and to establish an excellent relationship with local communities.
Designing Technical parameters for 2D and 3D seismic projects.
According to previous geological objectives identified during the processing of seismic information and confirmed by previous well records, we propose alternative designs for 2D and 3D projects.
The experience gained by PetroSeis in seismic data processing is a valuable tool in determining the best 2D and 3D acquisition parameters, which linked with the optimization of technical and economic resources, will provide an excellent cost to benefit ratio.
Social and environmental management services • Development of environmental management plans (P.M.A) • Development of Environmental management measures (M.M.A) • Follow-up prior consultation processes
Technical Services:
Designing of Technical parameters Gravimetry. • Acquisition and development of seismic refraction projects. • Surface geology on seismic lines.• 2D and 3D seismic data processing. • Other services at request of our customers.
We have a professional surveyors group with over 12 years of experience, highly trained and with excellent knowledge of the latest technology, enabling them to process the topographic and satellite data, ensuring the highest quality.
We have available drilling equipment suitable for all different types of terrain. We offer permanent technical support by the engineers with constant supervision by our quality control people to ensure the best job.
Our engineers, technicians and other qualified personnel are able to assimilate, apply and obtain the best result from the new technologies offered by the data acquisition equipment industry.
Their vast knowledge of Sercel, lon, Aram, Oyo Instruments and other systems, along with their experience in acquiring data with digital sensors, remote acquisition with use of GPS, remote access to data for Quality Control in real time, allows PETROSEISMIC SERVICES to provide the best results.
As an auxiliary tool, the refraction techniques help troubleshoot issues complicated by structural geology and define meteorized layers or shallow layers at a minimal cost, and provide valuable information regarding the subsoil. PETROSEISMIC SERVICES offers the seismic refraction services including data interpretation.